Escrita Com Luz Home Page

Illuminating Arts For The Mind

This is the home page of “Escrita cum luz” which is a Portuguese term that translates to “writing with light.” It refers to the artistic technique of using long exposure photography to capture the movement of light in a scene. This technique involves keeping the camera’s shutter open for an extended period of time, allowing light to enter the camera and create streaks or patterns on the final image. The result is often a unique and visually striking photograph that captures the movement and energy of a particular moment or environment. This technique is also commonly referred to as light painting, light drawing, or light graffiti.

dao philosophy

What is Escrita com Luz?

The words originate from the Spanish language but when put together what do they actually mean? Technically the two words mean […]

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Escrita Com Luz – Writing

Escrita Com Luz – Writing

The Art of Writing.Many people will argue that writing is a skill and not art. However how could you not class a classic writer like Ernest Hemingway as an artist of the written form? […]

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Escrita Com Luz – Art

Escrita Com Luz – Art

What is Art? It is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works […]

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Escrita Com Luz – Photography

Escrita Com Luz – Photography

One of the difficulties that visual artists (counting picture takers) face for the duration of their lives is having a brief, however articulate portrayal of their work at the tip of their tongue. […]

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Photography Iluminates

Photography Iluminates

Photography and how it illuminates the mind can mean many things. I will explain how this is; as the topic is quite subjective as well, and the arguments contained will be problematic for […]

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Art Illuminates The Mind

Art Illuminates The Mind

Watching people walk through an art exhibition is a fascinating exercise in observing how the human mind works in all of its glorious complexity and mysterious wonder. […]

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