Art Trends of 2023 As we look forward to the year ahead, the art trends of 2023 provide an exciting glimpse into the future of the art world. Whether you’re a collector looking to make your next big purchase. Or an artist seeking inspiration, keeping an eye on these trends can offer valuable insights and… [ READ MORE ]
Art for arts sake is a term that refers to the creation of escrita com luz art purely for its aesthetic value. Rather than for any intended message, enlightenment or purpose. This movement began in the mid-19th century as a response to the growing emphasis on utility and practicality in art. It was a way… [ READ MORE ]
EMOTIONS WE FEEL The emotions we feel as people when viewing art can vary widely depending on the individual and the artwork itself. Here are some common emotions people may experience. Awe This is a feeling of wonder and amazement that can be evoked by a particularly impressive or breathtaking piece of art. It can… [ READ MORE ]
Escrita Com Luz Photographic Art The Visual Art – How Photography Iluminates the Mind. Photography as an artilluminates the mind. But this can mean many things. I will explain how this is. As the topic is quite subjective as well, and the arguments contained will be problematic for some. Photography creates a snapshot in time.… [ READ MORE ]
Escrita Com Luz – Art Illuminates Minds Watching people walk through an art exhibition and how art illuminates is a fascinating exercise in observing how the human mind works in all of its glorious complexity and mysterious wonder. Art Appreciation A person can look at a sculpture and see nothing but an image of a… [ READ MORE ]
What is Escrita Com Luz? Escrita Com Luz Philosophy And The Arts What is Escrita Com Luz? These words originate from the Spanish language but when put together what do they actually mean? Technically the two words mean writing and light but to the Latino community they mean far more. Real meaning it the Illumination… [ READ MORE ]