Art Trends of 2023 As we look forward to the year ahead, the art trends of 2023 provide an exciting glimpse into the future of the art world. Whether you’re a collector looking to make your next big purchase. Or an artist seeking inspiration, keeping an eye on these trends can offer valuable insights and… [ READ MORE ]
Video art is a form of art that uses video technology to create works of art that are meant to be viewed on a screen. It can take many different forms, including experimental films, video installations, and performance art. One reason why video is considered an art form is because it allows artists to explore… [ READ MORE ]
Escrita Com Luz Photographic Art The Visual Art – How Photography Iluminates the Mind. Photography as an artilluminates the mind. But this can mean many things. I will explain how this is. As the topic is quite subjective as well, and the arguments contained will be problematic for some. Photography creates a snapshot in time.… [ READ MORE ]
Escrita Com Luz Writing Writing As An Art Form The Art of Escrita Com Luz Writing. Many people will argue that writing is a skill and not art. However how could you not class a classic writer like Ernest Hemingway as an artist of the written form? Writing as an art illuminates the mind. Writing… [ READ MORE ]
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