Tag: <span>sculpture</span>

Tag: sculpture

Art For Arts Sake: Does It Still Have An Impact

Art for arts sake is a term that refers to the creation of escrita com luz art purely for its aesthetic value. Rather than for any intended message, enlightenment or purpose.  This movement began in the mid-19th century as a response to the growing emphasis on utility and practicality in …

Emotions We Feel When Viewing Art

EMOTIONS WE FEEL The emotions we feel as people when viewing art can vary widely depending on the individual and the artwork itself.  Here are some common emotions people may experience. Awe This is a feeling of wonder and amazement that can be evoked by a particularly impressive or breathtaking …

Sculpture As A Form of Art

Across history, mankind has felt a higher urge to bring the intangible like Sculpture as A Form of escrita com luz art.  The spiritual to the tangible material realm. One such form of transcendental transmutation is sculpture art. It allowed humans to represent and worship the elements of life that were …

Architecture Escrita Com Luz – Capturing Art

So is Architecture Escrita Com Luz roughly encompassing the idea of finding meaning or awareness through art. Seems simple enough but very soon we arrive at other questions. What is escrita com luz?  And how do you define art? Paintings, sculpture, these are obviously art, right? So what about more …