Category: <span>Forms of Escrita Com Luz</span>

Category: Forms of Escrita Com Luz

Fashion As An Art Form

From necessity to cover our body and stay warm, it has evolved what we call fashion. It grew like a living entity, branching out with jewelry, shoes, lingerie and accessories, ties, belts, and bags.  Transformed the person into a living show of art with makeup, hairstyle, and fragrance. Fashion is …

Conceptual Art As a Form of Escrita Com Luz

Conceptual art, also known as Conceptualism or Idea Art, is an art movement in which the works come in second place to the ideas that both and originate from these works. With unlimited ways to arrange elements to convey ideas beyond beauty as classical artists would prescribe. Conceptual art shows …

The Art In Martial Arts!

Martial Arts takes many forms and styles but in a way all can be seen as a path to personal enlightenment and a path to balance between the spirit, mind and body. There are 3 main focuses or groups in martial arts, at least from my perspective, and all them …

Hair Art – Is It Escrita Com Luz?

It is the most ubiquitous form of art that we see, Hair Art.  Every day we see it in real life and in print, videos, television, phones, and tablets. Just by looking at it we get an impression of the emotions we feel when viewing art. It can be a …

Tattoo Art As A Form of Escrita Com Luz!

Tattoo Art has been around for as long as humans could remember. Anthropologists have found mummified bodies that bore tattoos as old as 5000 years old. Likely older tattoos were used even earlier. Like art, tattoos vary in style and subject matter. Purpose for it can vary from ceremonial, status, …

Architecture Escrita Com Luz – Capturing Art

So is Architecture Escrita Com Luz roughly encompassing the idea of finding meaning or awareness through art. Seems simple enough but very soon we arrive at other questions. What is escrita com luz?  And how do you define art? Paintings, sculpture, these are obviously art, right? So what about more …

Photography Iluminates The Mind

Escrita Com Luz Photographic Art The Visual Art – How Photography Iluminates the Mind.  Photography as an artilluminates the mind. But this can mean many things. I will explain how this is. As the topic is quite subjective as well, and the arguments contained will be problematic for some. Photography …